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/ Exploring Creation with General Science / Exploring Creation with General Science.iso / mm / mod05

Audio & Music (6)
archaeology.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 33KB 2003-05-20
chaucer.wav Waveform Audio File Format 9s 210KB 2003-05-20
dendrochronology.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 33KB 2003-05-20
geology.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 28KB 2003-05-20
paleontology.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 33KB 2003-05-20
superposition.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 28KB 2003-05-20

Videos (1)


Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
archaeology.asx Text File 6 84b 2003-05-20
chaucer.asx Text File 6 80b 2003-05-20
dendrochronology.asx Text File 6 89b 2003-05-20
fig5_4.asx Text File 6 79b 2003-05-20
geology.asx Text File 6 80b 2003-05-20
paleontology.asx Text File 6 85b 2003-05-20
superposition.asx Text File 6 86b 2003-05-20